Many of our successes in life are built upon a rubble of failures (image courtesy of

My True Story of 9 Failures Underlying My Educational Success

If you’ve found the content on this blog helpful or encouraging, please subscribe via email on the top, right-hand side of the website (if on a laptop), or at the bottom of the screen (if on a mobile device). Thank you! I have friends, both from the past and currently, that are insecure about pursuing Read more about My True Story of 9 Failures Underlying My Educational Success[…]

How do we make sense of the mess this world is in? (Image courtesy of

How do we make sense of the mess this world is in?

Note: I always welcome and look forward to your feedback in the “Comment” section below! I was once told by a professional counselor that when someone is going through a traumatic event it’s very important that the victim be able to create a story (true story, as in, a sequence of the events that have Read more about How do we make sense of the mess this world is in?[…]